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Date: 06/29/2022   Section: Blighty Beat
Downtown Music Services has inked a new deal with Jamaica-headquartered music company Geejam Music, including Geejam Studios in Port Antonio, Jamaica, to provide music publishing administration and label services to its existing catalogue and roster of songwriters/producers. Jon Baker, the former...
Date: 06/29/2022   Section: Pub Crawling
Downtown Music Services has inked a new deal with Jamaica-headquartered music company Geejam Music, including Geejam Studios in Port Antonio, Jamaica, to provide music publishing administration and label services to its existing catalogue and roster of songwriters/producers. Jon Baker, the former...
Date: 02/21/2022   Section: Rumor Mill
Downtown Music Services has tapped Sandra Croft and Chelsey Blow for new positions in the U.K. as part of its expansion in the territory.
Downtown Music ServicesSandra CroftChelsey BlowGeoff HallidayDaniel Miller